Adventures with Redbubble
Ok, first off, is it "Red Bubble" or "Redbubble"...? The latter probably. Either way, I finally started uploading files to Redbubble, I say finally because apparently I joined in August 2016. After the initial thrill of seeing photos of my images on stuff, I must admit that I find I'm quite discouraged by the whole process. There you are, a tiny grain of sand somewhere on Redbubble beach, who's going to know you're there, even? So, nevermind the constant "is this any good?" worry, now there's the "who's going to ever find this, let alone buy it?" worry. One post I read somewhere said they like Redbubble because that way they can buy t-shirts with their own stuff on them. Great. On the bright side, at least it gives me another reason to just keep making pictures. Some examples, below. And please, visit my shop if you're ever in the mood to buy a tote bag.